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KidsHealth. Birth Control Pill. (Accessed 21 May 2008, at http://www.kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?dn=familydoctor&article_set=20395&lic=44&cat_id=20018).

KidsHealth. Can a Girl Get Pregnant if She Has Sex During Her Period? (Accessed 20 May 2008, at http://www.kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?dn=familydoctor&lic=44&cat_id=20015&article_set=20406&ps=209).

KidsHealth. Withdrawal. (Accessed 21 May 2008, at http://www.kidshealth.org/PageManager.jsp?dn=familydoctor&article_set=10581&lic=44&cat_id=20018).

Planned Parenthood of North Texas. Birth Control. (Accessed 11 June 2008, at http://www.ppnt.org/sexual-health/birth-control/birth-control.html).

Poland ML, Moghissi KS, Giblin PT, Ager JW, Olson JM. Variation of semen measures within normal men. Fertil Steril 1985; 44: 396–400.

The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. Fact Sheet. (Accessed 11 June 2008, at http://www.teen-pregnancy.org/resources/reading/pdf/myths.pdf).

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