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Amit, A., K. Arun, B. Bharat, R. Navin, T. Sameer, and D. U. Shankar. «Penile Fracture and Associated Urethral Injury: Experience at a Tertiary Care Hospital». Canadian Urological Association Journal 7, no. 3–4 (2013): E168 – 170.

Garcia Gomez, B., J. Romero, F. Villacampa, A. Tejido, and R. Diaz. «Early Treatment of Penile Fractures: Our Experience». Archivos Espa?oles de Urologia 65, no. 7 (2012): 684–688.

Shetty, K., and I. Apakama. «Penile Fracture: Well Heard; Rarely Seen». ANZ Journal of Surgery 81, no. 12 (2011): 943–944.

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