Cool Isn’t Everything

So what if you’re one of those people who realise that a cool name isn’t for you or your child? What if you read this book and find yourself intrigued, entertained, inspired…but in the end a lot more convinced than you realised that you want to give your child a plain, solid and decidedly uncool name such as John or Mary?

So what indeed. A name is not your personal style statement, a choice with which to impress the world. Rather, you should think of it as something that will identify your child for the rest of his or her life, a label he or she will have to live with forever. You may decide that cool is a desirable component of such a lifelong imprimatur. But then again, you may decide that, when it comes to a name, you want nothing to do with cool (just know you may have to suffer the consequences when your child is a teenager).

Whether or not you end up with a cool name, you owe it to your baby and your choice of a name to read this book. For one thing, you’ll find hundreds and hundreds of naming options here that you won’t find anywhere else, and that will open your eyes to a way of thinking about names that no other book or source can. And you’ll know for certain, after reading this book, what constitutes a cool name—even if you eventually decide that uncool is cool enough for you.

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