Мафусаил занимался сексом 10 раз в день

Мафусаил занимался сексом 10 раз в день

Davey Smith, G., S. Frankel, and J. Yarnell. «Sex and Death: Are They Related? Findings from the Caerphilly Cohort Study». BMJ (Clinical Research Ed.) 315, no. 7123 (1997): 1641–1644.

Lindau, S. T., E. Abramsohn, K. Gosch, K. Wroblewski, E. S. Spatz, P. S. Chan, J. Spertus, and H. M. Krumholz. «Patterns and Loss of Sexual Activity in the Year Following Hospitalization for Acute Myocardial Infarction (a United States National Multisite Observational Study)». American Journal of Cardiology 109, no. 10 (2012): 1439–1444.

Onder, G., B. W. Penninx, J. M. Guralnik, H. Jones, L. P. Fried, M. Pahor, and J. D. Williamson. «Sexual Satisfaction and Risk of Disability in Older Women». Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 64, no. 10 (2003): 1177–1182.

Palmore, E. B. «Predictors of the Longevity Difference: A 25-Year Follow-Up». Gerontologist 22, no. 6 (1982): 513–518.

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